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주파수 표준기 타임 & 주파수 카운터
Fluke 164 휴대용 다기능 카운터
PM6681 타이머 & 카운터
PM6681R 루비듐 카운터
PM6685 주파수 카운터
PM6685R 루비듐 주파수 카운터
PM6685R 루비듐 주파수 카운터
PM6685R 루비듐 주파수 카운터
PM6681 타이머 & 카운터

PM6681 타이머&카운터


상기 장비는 타이머 카운터로서 , 사용하기 쉬운 경제적인 장비이며, 높은 정밀도에서의 측정으로 연구소 나 개발용으로 많이 쓰이고 있습니다.


1. 주파수 A : 0.1 Hz to 160MHz
2. 주파수 B : 0.1 Hz to 16MHz
2. 주파수 C : 70 MHz to 1.3GHz(RF적용)
3. 주파수 분해능 : 7 Digit/s
4. 측정 모드 : 주파수A,B ,펄스폭, 주기 , 듀티사이클, 하강/상승
시간, RPM , 시간격
5. Warm Up Time : 30 분
6. Battery Operating Time : 2 시간
7. 외부기준 입력 : 10 MHz


Measurement Functions
Measurement Functions
  Time Interval, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Frequency, Burst Frequency, Period, Ratio f1/f2, Phase, Duty Factor, Totalize
Input A: 10 -10 Hz to 300 MHz
Input B: 10 -10 Hz to 100 MHz
Input C: Optional Input Pre-Scaler
  (PM9621): 70 MHz to 1.3 GHz
  (PM9624): 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz
  (PM9638): 300 MHz to 8 GHz
Resolution: 11 digits/s measurement time
Burst Frequency Input A,B,C
Frequency Range Input A: Up to 300 MHz
Frequency Range Input B: Up to 100 MHz
Frequency Range Input C: Up to 8.0 GHz with options
Start Delay Range: 200 ns to 1s, 100 ns resolution
Period A
Range: 3.3 ns to 10 10 s
Resolution: 11 digits/s measurement time
Ratio A/B, C/B
Range: 10 -9 to 10 15
Frequency Range: Input A,B: 10 -10 Hz to 160 MHz
  Input C: See input C frequency range.
Time Interval A to B
Range: 0 ns to 10 10 s
Resolution: single shot 50 ps (1 ps average)
Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz
Pulse Width A
Range: 3 ns to 10 10 s
Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz
Rise and Fall Time
Range: 3 ns to 10 10 s
Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz
Input Amplitude: > 250 mV p-p
Phase A Relative B
Range: -180º to +360º
Resolution: 0.01º
Frequency Range: 0.03 Hz to 160 MHz
Duty Factor A
Range: 0 to 1
Frequency Range: 0.11 Hz to 160 MHz
Totalize A,B
Range: 0 to 1017, 0 to 1010 in A-B modes
Frequency Range: 0 to 160 MHz
A Gated by B: Event counting on input A during the presence of a pulse on input B. Single or cumulative event counting during set measuring time.
A start/stop by B: Event counting on input A between two consecutive pulses on B.
Manual A-B: Input A minus input B event counting with manual start/stop.
Manual/Timed A-B: Input A minus input B event counting with manual start/stop. Stop after set measuring time. Time counted from first trigger event on A.
AC/DC Voltage A,B
Range: -50V to +50 V
Frequency Range: DC, 1 Hz to 100 MHz
Mode: V max, V min, V p-p
Resolution: 1.25 mV
Gated Volt: External masking of unwanted signal components such as overshoot
Optional TimeBase
PM6681/-1- (Non-Retrofit)
Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23ºC ± 3ºC: < 1 x 10-6
Uncertainty due to:  
Aging /24 hr: N/A*
Aging /month: < 5 x 10-7
Aging /year: < 5 x 10-6
Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23ºC): 0-50ºC: < 1 x 10-5
  20ºC -26ºC: £ 3 x 10-6
Line Voltage variation of ±10%: < 1 x 10-8
Power On Stability: Not Specified
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 23ºC ± 3ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval < 7 x 10-6
  After 2 Year Cal interval < 1.2 x 10-5
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval < 1.2 x 10-5
  After 2 Year Cal interval < 1.5 x 10-5
OCXO: PM6681/-5- (PM9691)
Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23ºC ± 3ºC: < 2 x 10-8
Uncertainty due to:  
Aging /24 hr: < 5 x 10-10**
Aging /month: < 1 x 10-8
Aging /year: < 7.5 x 10-8
Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23ºC): 0-50ºC: < 5 x 10-9
  20ºC -26ºC < 6 x 10-10 (typical values)
Line Voltage variation of ±10%: < 5 x 10-10
Power-on stability: 1 x 10-7 Deviation versus final value after 24 hr on time, after a warm-up time of: 15 min
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 23ºC ± 3ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 9 x 10-8
  After 2 Year Cal interval: < 1.5 x 10-7
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 1 x 10-8
  After 2 Year Cal interval: < 2 x 10-7
OCXO: PM6681/-6- (PM9692)
Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23ºC ± 3ºC: < 5 x 10-9
Uncertainty due to:  
Aging /24 hr: < 3 x 10-10**
Aging /month: < 3 x 10-9
Aging /year: < 2 x 10-8
Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23ºC): 0-50ºC: < 2.5 x 10-9
  20ºC -26ºC < 4 x 10-10 (typical values)
Line Voltage variation of ±10%: < 5 x 10-10
Short term stability: (root Allan Variance)
  T = 1 s: 1 x 10-11
  T = 10 s: 3 x 10-12
  T = 100 s: 1 x 10-12
Power-on stability: 5 x 10-9 Deviation versus final value after 24 hr on time, after a warm-up time of: 10 min
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 23ºC ± 3ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 2.5 x 10-8
  After 2 Year Cal interval: < 5 x 10-8
Total Uncertainty**** at 2s (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50ºC: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 2.5 x 10-8
  After 2 Year Cal interval: < 5 x 10-8
*N/A: Not discernible, neglectable versus 1°C temperature variation.
**After 48 hours continuous operation
***Calibration Adjustment Tolerance: Is the maximal tolerated deviation from the true 10MHz frequency after a calibration. When the reference frequency does not exceed the tolerance limits at the moment of calibration, an adjustment is not needed.
****Total uncertainty: Is the total possible deviation from the true 10MHz value under influence of frequency drift due to aging and ambient temperature variations versus the reference temperature. The operating temperature range and the calibration interval are part of this specification.
Input and Output Specifications
Input A & B
Frequency Range:  
AC coupled: 10 Hz to 300 MHz
DC coupled: DC to 300 MHz
Coupling: AC or DC
Rise time: Approximately 1.1 ns
Impedance: 1 MΩ //15 pF or 50Ω , VSWR< 2:1; 1 MΩ//65 pF or 50Ω with PM 9611/80 rear panel inputs
Trigger Slope: Positive or negative
Channel Inputs: Separate, Common A or Swapped
Max. channel timing difference: 500 ps
Sensitivity (SineWave): 20 mV, up to 100 MHz
  25 mV, 100 MHz to 200 MHz
  40 mV, 200 MHz to 250 MHz
  60 mV, > 250 MHz
Pulse Width: > 5 ns at 60 mV p-p, > 3 ns at 90 mV p-p
Attenuation: X1 or X10
Hysteresis Window (x1): 20 mV p-p
Variable Hysteresis A (x1): 30 mV p-p to 10 V p-p up to 120 MHz
Dynamic Range: 60 mV p-p to 10 V p-p (up to 100 MHz) within ± 5V window
  75 mV p-p to 10 V p-p (100 to 200 MHz) within ± 5V window
Trigger Level: Read out on display
Range: (x1): -5V to + 5V
  (x10): -50V to + 50V
Resolution: (X1): 1.25 mV
Uncertainty: (x1): ±(4 mV + 0.8% of trigger level)
Auto Trigger Level
  Trigger level is automatically set to 50% of input signal.
Frequency: > 1Hz
Low Pass Filter A
  100 kHz fixed. > 40 dB attenuation at 1 MHz
Digital Low Pass Filter
  1 Hz to 5 MHz using trigger hold off
Trigger Indicator
  Tri-State LED indicator
Trigger Slope
  Positive or Negative
Damage Level
1 MW Impedance: 350V (DC + AC peak) at DC to 440 Hz, falling to 12 Vrms (x1) and 120 V rms (x10) at 1 MHz
50W Impedance: 12V rms

Optional Pre-Scalers
Input C (PM 9621)
Frequency Range: 70 MHz to 1.3 GHz
Pre-Scaler Factor: 512
Sensitivity: 10 mV rms to 12V rms, 70 to 900 MHz
  15 mV rms to 12V rms, 900 to 1100 MHz
  40 mV rms to 12V rms, 1100 to 1300 MHz
Amplitude Modulation: DC to 0.1 MHz: Up to 94% depth

회사소개 제품소개 견적및데모요청

법인명 : 주식회사 티앤씨  경기도 광명시 하안로 60, 광명SK테크노파크 A동 808호  사업자등록번호 108-81-96584  대표이사 : 김용정
  전화: 02-2635-6859   팩스: 02-6008-3672   이메일: info@tandc.co.kr

